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Verba volant, scripta manet. How to write an M.A. thesis in Translation Studies. - ebook

12,00 10,80 zł (zawiera 5 % VAT)

  • PDF (znak wodny)

Joanna Dybiec-Gajer  Maria Piotrowska 








The book is aimed at those who want to investigate translation-related problems and write a Master’s thesis that is an academic thesis as part of their second cycle of studies in the European Higher Education Area. This target audience may be enlarged to include Bachelor’s degree students (the first level) for whom certain remarks and chapters in the book will be equally pertinent. The aim of the book is to guide and assist its users at each stage of their research, from identifying an area of interest, through selecting a topic, planning and conducting the research, to submitting their thesis and defending it in a final exam. Students may find it useful for self-study and reference, while teachers and supervisors can use it to enhance their course material.

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Kup Verba volant, scripta manet. How to write an M.A. thesis in Translation Studies. - ebook
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Verba volant, scripta manet. How to write an M.A. thesis in Translation Studies. - ebook

12,00 10,80 zł (zawiera 5 % VAT)
    • PDF (znak wodny)

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